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A blend of lemongrass leaf and hibiscus flower, this pinkish-red tea is slightly tangy and herbal in taste. It can offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties thanks to lemongrass, while the combination of the two lends blood pressure and cholesterol control.* This refreshing beverage can be enjoyed hot or cold with (or without) your sweetener of choice!

ALLERGEN: Hibiscus may be intercropped with peanuts. Occasionally, fragments of peanut shells may be present.

Flavor: slightly tart and fruity (similar to cranberry) and mildly lemony, with some herbal notes

Extended Information

Scientific NameHibiscus sabdariffa + Cymbopogoncitratus

Origin: Sierra Leone & Egypt

Ingredients: Lemongrass leaf, hibiscus flower

Flavor: slightly tart and fruity (similar tocranberry) and mildly lemony, with some herbal notes

ALLERGEN: Hibiscus may be intercropped withpeanuts. Occasionally, fragments of peanut shells may be present.


A blend of lemongrass leaf and hibiscus flower, thispinkish-red tea is slightly tangy and herbal in taste. It can offeranti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties thanks to lemongrass, whilethe combination of the two lend blood pressure and cholesterol control.*This refreshing beverage can be enjoyed hot or cold with (or without) yoursweetener of choice!


Hibiscus flower tea (made from the calyx of the Hibiscussabdariffa plant) may be what you’re looking for if you’re searchingfor a herbal remedy to reduce blood pressure or cholesterol levels, a green orblack tea alternative, or a caffeine-free, vitamin C-rich beverage!* Ruby redand tart, this tea can be enjoyed either hot or cold with your sweetener ofchoice.


Also known as sour tea, sorrel, or flor de Jamaica, hibiscustea is a popular beverage consumed worldwide. Hibiscus flowers are rich in twoantioxidants (anthocyanins and quercetin) that help protect your body from freeradicals — harmful molecules that cause oxidative damage to your cells, whichresults in signs of aging and disease. Anthocyanins also contribute to thetea’s deep red color and have anti-inflammatory properties.*

In addition, hibiscus can improve heart health by loweringblood pressure via diuretic action.* If in search of a weight loss aid,hibiscus tea might do the trick.* This is due to its laxative action andability to inhibit amylase production (reduces blood sugar levels and starchabsorption).* Hibiscus calyces may ameliorate iron deficiency anemia, andthanks to its vitamin C content, provide an immune system boost (thus combatingthe flu and common cold).*

Some Benefits of Hibiscus Flower* 

  • Toxincleaner. Hibiscus is antioxidant rich, which can cleanse yourbody from harmful and unwanted toxins.
  • Lowerscholesterol. Hibiscus tea is very effective in lowering LDL(low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels by helping prevent plaquebuildup on the inside of arteries.
  • Moodregulator. During menstrual cycles, women undergo a lot ofhormonal changes, and can also experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS)prior to menstruation. Hibiscus can help regulate hormone generation, thusserving as a potential PMS remedy. Hibiscus also contains antidepressantproperties which promote feelings of calm and serve as an anxiolytic.Studies indicate that it may reduce symptoms associated with depression,like fatigue, irritability, and listlessness.
  • Energybooster. Hibiscus tea re-hydrates the body, which helps withrevitalization. Its high iron levels also offer an energy and focus boost.
  • Diabetes. Hibiscustea and extract have shown promise for improving both blood pressure andblood lipid profiles in diabetics and those with other metabolicdisorders.


Lemongrass tea is popularly consumed in various countriesbecause of its medicinal properties.* Though this grass is deceptively humble,it is packed with numerous benefits that can help improve many chronicconditions.* These benefits include anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, andanti-inflammatory properties. Nutrition-wise, lemongrass tea is a good sourceof vitamins A and C, folate, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium,phosphorus, calcium and manganese; it also contains minute traces of the Bvitamins.* When consumed with honey, lemongrass tea can act as a naturaldiuretic.*

Lemongrass - also known as Cymbopogon citratus, oil grass,citronella, citronella grass, fever grass, barbed wire grass - is a plant thatbelongs to the Poaceae grass family. It is well known and utilized for itsdistinct lemon flavor and citrusy aroma. Lemongrass has several culinary usesand has been recommended by traditional medicine practitioners for itsmedicinal properties as well.* 


These properties include, but are not limited to:* 

  • Anemia. Lemongrasscan help various anemia types thanks to its high iron content. Iron is anessential component for hemoglobin synthesis (a red blood cell proteinresponsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body). 
  • Anti-inflammatoryand antiseptic properties. Due to these properties, lemongrasstea can help treat arthritis, gout, and urinary tract inflammation.Lemongrass’ antiseptic properties can also help to eliminate unhealthymicroorganisms, and purify and detoxify the blood. As such, bacterial,fungal, or yeast infections can possibly be controlled. 
  • Balsamicaction (cold & flu relief). The volatile oil content inlemongrass has a balsamic action on the respiratory tract which can beuseful for alleviating cold, flu, and hay fever symptoms. 
  • Detoxifying& purifying action. Drink a cup or glass of lemongrass teafor its antioxidant, antiseptic and diuretic effects which purify andcleanse the liver, bladder, kidneys, colon, and pancreas.  
  • Diabetes. Aslemongrass tea helps cleanse the pancreas and improve its functions, bloodsugar levels in diabetics might be lowered. 
  • Digestivehealth. Lemongrass' antimicrobial properties can help regulateintestinal function and motility. As a result, consumption of lemongrasscan relieve digestive-related issues such as vomiting, constipation,indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence, stomach spasms, intestinal bloating,and cramps. 
  • Gastritisor heartburn. A mug of warm lemongrass tea can be very soothingwhen experiencing acid indigestion/heartburn or gastritis. 
  • Highblood pressure. The diuretic effects of lemongrass are secondaryto its high potassium content. This can help regulate and lower bloodpressure.
  • Highcholesterol. Lemongrass has an anti-cholesterol andanti-atherosclerosis action. It helps reduce both the absorption ofcholesterol from the intestine, as well as the oxidation ofLDL-cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing one of the first steps inthe formation of atherosclerotic plaques. 
  • Skinhealth. Improved blood circulation can result in better skinhealth. Therefore, regular consumption of lemongrass tea can help reduceacne, psoriasis, and eczema. 
  • Weightloss. The diuretic effect of lemongrass tea can help effectivelyand quickly carry out body waste in high volume, which can result inweight loss. Its digestive system and metabolism boosting effects can alsosupport weight loss efforts.


Please consult with a medical professional prior toincluding this tea in your diet if you are on medication, are pregnant, ornursing. Hibiscus tea is toxic to the liver in extremely high doses.However, most sources advise that consuming three to four 8 oz glasses ofhibiscus tea daily is safe. 

Lemongrass tea is generally safe to consume, but excessiveintake may impact kidney function. It is recommended to consult with a medicalprofessional before drinking lemongrass tea during pregnancy, as doing so maylead to a miscarriage.


Preparation: We recommend using 1 teabag per 8 oz of water at a full rolling boil (212°F) and steeping anywherefrom 3 to 5 minutes. Teas prepared from light, delicate blossoms or leavesrequire shorter steeping times than more hearty herbs. If you prefer a strongerbrew, we suggest using multiple tea bags.

Shelf Life: Our products will maintain theirfreshness and integrity for up to 18 months after purchase. Store in a cool,dark place to ensure full shelf life.

*Disclaimer: The information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only, as the FDA has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or ailment. We assume no responsibility for any adverse reactions from the use of our products and our employees are not to be held liable under any circumstances brought forth by any law or legal proceedings. As with most supplements, please consult with your doctor before using our products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition. 

Product Details

Product Name

Hibiscus Flower & Lemongrass Herbal Tea


Sierra Leone & Egypt

Ingredient list

Lemongrass leaf, hibiscus flower


4 tea bag sample; 30 tea bags in a pouch


7801S (4 Count); 7207 (30 Count)

Net weight (oz)


Shelf Life: Our products will maintain their freshness and integrity for up to 18 months after purchase. Store in a cool, dark place to ensure full shelf life.

How to Brew/Use

Our brewing recommendations are below, but feel free to prepare your brew to suit your preference! Your main considerations should be water quality and temperature, tea quantity, and steeping time.

We recommend using 1 tea bag per 8 oz of water at a full rolling boil (212°F) and steeping anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes. Teas prepared from light, delicate blossoms or leaves require shorter steeping times than more hearty herbs. If you prefer a stronger brew, we suggest using more tea.

These steps provide a sweeter, better tasting brew while repeated infusions allow you to extract all the nutritional and medicinal benefits from the herb. Herbal teas can be brewed in porcelain, ceramic, glass, or stainless steel vessels, but never in aluminum or other harmful materials. Be sure to cover the cup or teapot while steeping to prevent the loss of fragrant essential oils and other therapeutic and nutritional elements.  


Side Effects/Allergens

Lemongrass is generally safe to consume, but excessive intake may impact kidney function. 

Hibiscus is also safe to drink but is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing. Hibiscus tea is toxic to the liver in extremely high doses. However, most sources advise that consuming three to four 8 oz glasses of hibiscus tea daily is safe. 

It is recommended to consult with a medical professional before drinking hibiscus lemongrass tea during pregnancy, as doing so may lead to a miscarriage.

Please consult your physician if you feel you have any serious conditions that may require professional treatment or are on any medications. 

ALLERGEN: Hibiscus may be intercropped with peanuts. Occasionally, fragments of peanut shells may be present.

Shipping, Processing, & Returns


Free shipping (average delivery time = 3-5 business days): Free standard shipping is available for qualifying orders within the United States that total $30.00 or more before the addition of taxes, fees, discounts or coupons, or shipping charges.

For orders that fall below the $30 threshold: The cost for standard 3-5 day shipping via USPS First Class mail is determined on a calculated basis at checkout.

International orders: Costs vary by region. The amount is calculated at checkout. Individual country restrictions may prevent eligibility for international shipping. Please verify prior to making a purchase. Customs fees and import duties are not included in the order cost, and will be due upon receipt of the order in the destination country. 

*We cannot guarantee that estimated delivery times will be met by the postal carrier.


We strive to process and ship all orders within 1-2 business days, though we are currently shipping out the same day or within 1 business day (excluding holidays). There may be an occasional delay as our products are manually assembled & packaged. 


We strive to keep our customers happy, and want 100% satisfaction with our products. Our policy lasts 30 days from the delivery date for unused and unopened products. You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item(s) (exclusions may apply). 

If there is another reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us at first info@vmartdiscount.com so we can do our best to make things right.

Ginger Root Herbal Tea