Origin: Indonesia, Vietnam & Sierra Leone
Ingredients: Saigon Cinnamon (Cassia cinnamonfamily), Ginger root (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger and cinnamon are herbs that have a longhistory of medicinal use. Ginger has been studied in countless scientificstudies; it is a strong antimicrobial and also improves circulation. Cinnamonhas been used as a folk remedy for colds, flus, and sore throats since ancienttimes. It is useful for lowering fevers and relieving congestion. Cinnamon andginger also have a warming effect on the body, which can make a patient feelbetter if he or she is experiencing chills. Ginger and cinnamon also have anexpectorant effect on the body – they help coughs to become more productive.When put together, they can be used to make a tea that helps the patient torest while also relieving the symptoms of congestion, coughs, fever, chills,and aches and pains.
The Benefits of Cinnamon Tea go far beyond itsSoothing, Exotic Taste!
You can enjoy the many benefits of cinnamon tea whether youlove a pure cinnamon tea or prefer it blended/added to other teas. Sweet,soothing, spicy, and a little bit exotic... Cinnamon is versatile and muchloved, a favorite not only in sweet and savory dishes, but in tea, aswell!
Cassia cinnamon has been used in traditionalmedicine for many centuries. Cassia or Saigon cinnamon has been tested for itsability to lower blood sugar levels. It can also be effective in treatingmenstrual cramps, certain types of cancer, kidney problems, vomiting,flatulence, bed-wetting, stomach and muscle cramps, bronchitis, impotence, etc.While some research has been conducted, further evidence is required to rateits effectiveness for these conditions.
The well-known spice is famous for its ease inblending with a variety of flavors - with other teas, spices, fruits, and herbs- to create intoxicating tea blends. Cinnamon tea is chock full of good things- for your body, your mind, and even for romance!
Health Benefits of Cinnamon Tea
i) Badcholesterol levels too high? Lower your cholesterol - and protect yourheart health - with cinnamon tea. Research tells us that consumingcinnamon tea may help lower bad cholesterol level
ii) Cinnamonhas anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Cinnamon fightsviruses (such as cold and flu viruses), inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria(like E. coli or the bacteria that causes UTIs), and combats infections (suchas medication-resistant yeast infections caused by the fungus Candidaalbicans).
iii) Cinnamonis known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Chronic inflammation has been linked to many health concernsand harmful diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, diabetes,infertility, obesity, PCOS, IBS, Crohn's, osteoporosis, and heart disease.Cinnamon tea is a natural, tasty way to fight and protect against thepotentially destructive effects of inflammation.
iv) Cinnamonis filled with potent antioxidants - more than almost all other spicesand herbs. Cinnamon's antioxidant levels are comparable with otherhigh-antioxidant foods, as well - for example, just one teaspoon of groundcinnamon has as many antioxidants as 1/2 cup of blueberries! It's essential thatwe include antioxidant-rich foods and beverages in our diet, becauseantioxidants provide us with so many health benefits... They protect us fromthe effects of free radicals, prevent and fight chronic diseases (like cancer,heart disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis), and reduce those signs ofaging we dislike so much (like wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity)!
v) Cinnamonimproves circulation. Poor circulation can affect the body in all sorts ofways, from varicose veins to constipation to painful joints. Cinnamon tea isnaturally warming and helps to increase blood flow. Cinnamon is a natural bloodthinner as well.
vi) Reduceswelling and the aches and pains of arthritis and rheumatism with asoothing cup of cinnamon tea.
vii) Cinnamontea's reputation as a weight-loss tea is growing - with good reason.Not only do the antioxidants in cinnamon boost metabolism, but cinnamon alsohelps your digestive tract work the way it should (essential for weight loss -and for feeling good, too!).
viii) Cinnamontea stabilizes blood sugar levels, so you feel satiated and have fewercravings. Another benefit - cinnamon is a flavorful addition to your diet and,when your food tastes good, you'll feel satisfied sooner and eat less (meaningfewer calories going in!)
ix) Wardoff a chill with cinnamon tea. Are your hands and feet always cold? Does abrisk, chilly wind have you burying your icy nose behind a scarf? There'snothing like cinnamon tea to warm you when you feel chilled!
Ginger has a long tradition of being veryeffective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. In herbalmedicine, ginger is regarded as an excellent carminative (a substance whichpromotes the elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (asubstance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract). Modern scientificresearch has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic propertiesincluding antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatorycompounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects.
- Itis well known as a remedy for travel sickness, nausea and indigestion.
- It isa warming remedy, ideal for boosting the circulation, lowering high bloodpressure and keeping the blood thin in higher doses.
- Gingeris anti-viral and makes a warming cold and flu remedy. Ginger is apowerful anti-inflammatory herb and there has been much recent interest inits use for joint problems. If a person has exercised too much orsuffers from arthritis or rheumatism, ginger has been known to easeinflammation of the joints and muscle tissue. Due to its tremendouscirculation-increasing qualities, ginger is thought to improve thecomplexion.
- Ithas reduced nervousness, eased tendonitis, and helped sore throats return tonormal.
- Studiesdemonstrate that ginger can lower cholesterol levels by reducingcholesterol absorption in the blood and liver. It may also aid inpreventing internal blood clots.
**Some General Precautions for Cinnamon Tea**
Very high quantities of cinnamon may be toxic, so, as ageneral rule, it's best not to consume excessive amounts of cinnamon tea forextended periods of time. The NCCAM (National Center for Complementary andAlternative Medicine) indicates that cinnamon is generally safe for most peoplein amounts of up to 6 grams of cinnamon daily for 6 weeks or less.
As with any tea that is new to you, take your time ingetting to know cinnamon tea, and watch for any side effects you may beexperiencing. If your nose runs, your eyes itch and water, or you break out ina rash after drinking cinnamon tea, you may have an allergy to cinnamon.
NOTE: Herbal teas with light, delicate blossomsor leaves require somewhat shorter steeping times and lower temperatures thanother more hearty herbs. We recommend using 1 - 2 teaspoons of leaf per 8 oz ofnear boiling water (180 to 200 F) and steeping 5 to 10 minutes.
This provides a sweeter, better tasting brew while repeatedinfusions allow you to extract all the nutritional and medicinal benefits fromthe herb.
Herbal teas can be brewed in porcelain, ceramic, glass, or stainless steel butnever in aluminum or other harmful materials. Be sure to cover the cup orteapot while steeping to prevent the loss of fragrant essential oils and othertherapeutic and nutritional elements.
Shelf Life: Our products will maintaintheir freshness and integrity for up to 18 months after purchase. Store in acool dark place to ensure full shelf life.